Cherish is my favorite word, and I cherish the ability of turning the routine into a beautiful moment.
Nature creates in me, a spiritual and meditative time to bring peace, harmony and balance, into an otherwise ordinary day~
Mary Howell Cromer

Friday, March 30, 2018

Happy Easter Blessings for Those Who Celebrate the Season~


It has been quite the week.  I have to say this and I know that many of you already know, understand, comprehend the true meaning of love at all times, forgive one another, etc, etc.
One of our dear friends had a heart attack a week ago this past Thursday.  It was a shock!  You can read more about that further down in this post...We consider Jeff a precious miracle~

Remember to double click on the first image, to view a larger slideshow presentation after    you have read the narratives~

I am joining in the fun with Eileen at:
Saturday's Critter

Anni at: 
I'd Rather Be Birdin'

 Wednesday Around the World at Communal Global

Stewart for:

The best of the not so good Common Loon images taken yesterday. If you can't tell, it was pouring down rain, just miserable, but I was determined to get some photos of one of my favorite birds. This was my first time to get to see them. 
The male Mallard Duck in flight shows a bit more of the hard rain coming down. I also showed in two photos how far away I was from the two Loons that I managed to photograph. The images are heavily cropped. It was so wonderful to see them in their Spring breeding colours too.
Also seen from a great distance was a pair of Wood Ducks~

 A rain soaked tree as I was leaving the park~

Last season many will remember that a pair of Groundhogs had made their home under the deck of my friends Jeff and Linda.  It is believed that five of the six young ones were killed off by the Red Fox family.  Our thinking is that possibility one of the adults may have survived.  My most favorite of the young ones was the little brown runt of the litter.  I was  so excited when Linda told me a couple of weeks ago, that it had survived the Winter and was starving.  This little one was so sweet and I am so very thankful that it survived every obstacle thrown at it the first year of it's life.  I am hoping it will have a nice long life now, but the Fox family will soon be showing off their next generation and the onslaught will continue~

I plucked a few flowers from my wee garden the other day.  Double bloom Daffodils and a few Hellebores.  I placed them in a small vase and set them alongside a painting that was created for me by a dear friend many years ago now.  I thought they paired together beautifully~

Dark-eyed Junco~

My neighbors two doors down from us are Jeff and Linda and their little dog Mister.  
This is the story in brief for them this past week.  
A perfect miracle for this very special time of the year.  
A Special Easter Gift~

Imagine this for a moment.

Big heart attack Thursday March 22nd.
Only brain function was "posturing" and trying to breathe over the ventilator.
Told that decisions may be coming.
Placed on medications to temporarily paralyze the body.
Put into a chemically induced hypothermia for 23 hours.
Body slowly brought back to normal temperature, took 24 hours.
Began to awaken, turned his head to voices, began to open his eyes.
Then he began to answer questions and know your name.
Sometimes he missed the right answers, sometimes he mumbled trying to formulate the words.
Moved from ICCU, ICU, to CC rehab unit.
Failed the first swallow test and had to have feeding tube replaced.
Next day he passed the test, skipped strained food and went right onto steamed veggies and fish.
Two days of physical therapy and Wednesday evening Jeff was discharged to come home.
I witnessed this unfolding daily and I am here to say that I witnessed a miracle of Father God.
He had excellent care at Baptist Hospital East Cardiac Care.
His beautiful wife Linda is so overwhelmed, overjoyed, exhausted but she too is finally home.
Mister their little dog was so happy too.

Shh, that's a ribbon I put in his hair~

I just took this photograph of Jeff this morning, at home, and very thankful, as are all who love he and Linda and yes, Mister~

Red-Shouldered Hawk changing positions to get a better look at me and some juicy prey which was plentiful~

We anticipate a spot of snow again on Easter evening, but Spring is showing more signs of being present.  Those who celebrate the Easter season, may it be blessed.  For others, have a wonderful week~


  1. Hello, I am happy to hear your neighbor doing is recovering! Prayers and get well wishes for your friend. Love the Loon and the duck in flight. The dog is so cute. Gorgeous flowers, spring has spring. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. I appreciate your visit and comment. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  2. Enjoyed the visit, as usual. Must say my fav shots may have been the juncos. Happy Easter

  3. Dear Mary, Love, love, love your duck-in-flight shots and your flower bouquets are fabulous. Wishing you and yours a very Happy Easter.

  4. Love the duck action shots and those flowers are beautiful! Happy Easter.

  5. A miracle indeed! One more blessing to celebrate this Easter! Your mosaic of the double bloom daffodils and hellebores is gorgeous. And placing them next to the painting - inspired! Happy Easter to you and yours!

  6. Easter Blessings to you as well! Love the loon, hawks, and the pups. The lovely spring flowers really bring in the season!

  7. Hi! I'm back from my cruise to Jamaica and wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting I'd Rather B Birdin' in my absence. Have a great day! Hope to see you soon.

    Love the loon of my favorite birds. Oh, & the ribbon in his hair!

  8. Good morning from Normandy, so relieved to read that your neighbours story has a happy ending, he is truly blessed. Gorgeous nature captures from you as always, even if it's raining in your photographs they still brighten up my Monday mornings. Happy MM.

  9. Happy Easter; Happy Mosaic Monday

    much love...

  10. Jeff's story is a miracle! Thanks be to God! Great photo. Loons are one of my favourite birds, too, and bring back memories of sleeping in a tent near a lake and listening to their haunting cries.

  11. That is truly an inspiring story. I'll keep him in my prayers. I always love to see the hawks or any birds you catch in flight! Amazing photos! Hugs, Diane

  12. I thought I would just duck in here to say hello - I'm sorry that you've had such an eventful week, but what a wonderful happy end to the story. My very best wishes to you all and I hope you have a big treat for Mister too!
    Wren x

  13. Beautiful post. I am happy that your friend did so well...your birds and flowers are all beautiful....the flight shots are stunning!

  14. I hope you had a happy Easter Mary. Your bird photos always delight. And that vase of flowers is devine. You are no doubt looking forward to the full flush of spring. I tried my hand at bird photography over the weekend out in our wheatbelt. You can see some of the photos on my blog. Have a lovely week Mary.

  15. Hi Mary, your flowers are exquisite! Hope you're doin' good!

  16. Beautiful shots, I love them all. Love the Great northern diver, or Loon for america.


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