Cherish is my favorite word, and I cherish the ability of turning the routine into a beautiful moment.
Nature creates in me, a spiritual and meditative time to bring peace, harmony and balance, into an otherwise ordinary day~
Mary Howell Cromer

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

No Need For Hunting Today~

The weather has been so spring like, that when I take a drive about in the car, the windows  have been down a bit to allow fresh air to cheer me on. 

Having the windows down is also nice, for we can then hear the voices of many birds and when I hear Blue Jays doing their thing, I know that something must certainly be upsetting them.
This time it was a young Red-tailed hawk up in a tree, above a recent road kill.  It was of no threat to the Jays this day. 

The young hawk was so set on having it's next few meals from here that it allowed me to get really close.
It is always such a treat to be able to have this time in the presence of such beauty~


~ Please be sure to visit other bird images from around the world
for World Bird Wednesday ~


  1. Your favourite, absolutly beautiful photos.

  2. really gorgeous. such intense eyes. :)

  3. Such a beautiful bird! Nice, good shots of this incredible creature. Love them all!

  4. A beautiful bird to see... great images.

  5. Good that you could get so close to the hawk and great photos.

  6. Such majestic birds, first time for me to see them. They are truly magnificent.
    I hope you can find the time to follow my photoblog
    Thank you

  7. Such a gorgeous looking bird. Wonderful captures.

  8. A beauty. I've not seen a young one before.

  9. Gorgeous photos, Mary! Nice detail in your shots!

  10. Great closeups and photos.Hawks are always a nice sighting.

  11. How beautiful and how lucky you were there to see and capture it.
    Such a noble bird.

  12. Beautiful shots Mary,with the eye good and bright. I know what you mean about driving with the window down, and I always say that birding is at least 50% listening and 50% looking, but often the listening becomes more important.

  13. Great post Mary, I think we appreciate the same things. A close encounter with a wild creature living off its wits stirs my domesticated soul. Your Red tail hawks are inspirational, thank you for sharing!

  14. This is a wonderful hawk. Amazing photos.

  15. Great photos, Mary. So nice of him to pose for you...a beautiful bird.

  16. He's a stunner!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  17. What stunningly gorgeous shots, Mary. It must have been cool to be so close.

  18. These are stunning photos. Curious as to what camera and lens you were using. Thanks for sharing.

  19. A stately, majestic bird. Amazing! :)

  20. These are superb photos Mary ! I'll start to look around and up in the trees next time I see a road kill ! I have a hawk who visits my backyard from time to time, I feed the birds so he's looking for them.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment, I really appreciated it !

  21. These are such wonderful creatures. In this part of Northwest Arkansas and North Eastern Oklahoma, the Red Tail Hawk is the king of winter. They show up in late September and early October. Some stay year around. Love 'em!!

  22. a congrats in order I think. Love your shots of that beauty. :)


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