Cherish is my favorite word, and I cherish the ability of turning the routine into a beautiful moment.
Nature creates in me, a spiritual and meditative time to bring peace, harmony and balance, into an otherwise ordinary day~
Mary Howell Cromer

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Three On A Wire~

This series was taken on Thanksgiving.  We had gone to visit my 88 year old father-in-law and I was all but kicking myself, not for visiting him, but what follows...
I always, always take my camera into his house. 
This particular morning, I had helped carry a meal in for him and thought ever so quickly...I should go back to the car and get my camera...but did not...
Today dad rang me up to tell me that our visitor, had returned for a long visit again...and of course I was just all but kicking myself all over again.
You see, a very young, very large..probably a female Cooper's Hawk had landed right outside his breakfast window.  We are talking no more than 15-20 feet from his breakfast window and my camera was right outside the back door, lying on the car seat. 
After we left, I had to appease myself and so...I got these 3 beauties on individual wires.  I always like to have them perched in a tree, yet around here, they really enjoy the hunt from the wire~


  1. they're beautiful! love the kestrals. such pretty little, active birds!

  2. Took time to check out your blog tonight. It is a beautiful blog. Your photography is amazing and I enjoyed meeting your family.

  3. Great shots of all the Hawks. the first one is my favorite. It is awesome looking. Have a wonderful day and happy birthday!

  4. All nice shots Mary and I was particularly keen on looking at the Cooper's Hawk becuase they are so like our Sparrowhawk. I notice your hawk has chest streaks rather than barring the other way as a Sparrowhawk. Interesting stuff. Love the little kestrel by the way - so colourful.


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