Cherish is my favorite word, and I cherish the ability of turning the routine into a beautiful moment.
Nature creates in me, a spiritual and meditative time to bring peace, harmony and balance, into an otherwise ordinary day~
Mary Howell Cromer

Sunday, October 30, 2011

American Robins Under Glass~

Nature always delivers seasons, it always delivers glorious bounty and beauty, and the birds thrive. 
Two years ago, I saw my first ever Cedar Waxwing on my Honeysuckle bush right outside my lower patio doors.  I am not sure why, but since that first sighting, I look for them to come and partake from this same bush once again...not that I do not have lots of these same bushes all around the two acres, I want them to come to my backdoor! 
While checking on that bush the other day, it was loaded with beautiful birds alright...but not Cedar Waxwings. 
The American Robins...thousands of them have made their way to our area and hundreds to the grove.  If I step outside, they fly to a bush farther away, so the other day, I simply stood at the glass window and snapped these images as they all but got drunk from these delectable berries~

Blue Juniper Berries, Honeysuckle Berries and euonymus, alongside thorn trees~

There is that Sycamore tree once again, for those whom have viewed my blog in recent days...cannot get away form that tree~

After the guests had retired for a drink of cool water from the creek, this one Robin perched, almost on sentry duty, protecting this bush, as if there were not tons more nearby~


Have a glorious week  wherever your world takes you, stay safe, be well, be blessed~


  1. The American Robin is superb, well shot.

  2. Since I don't have a honeysuckle bush outside my window, I loved watching the activity on yours. These are such wonderful captures--something not many people get to see. Thanks!

  3. Lovely photos, Mary. I adore the Cedar Waxwing; in fact just two days ago there was a flock atop the Madrone eating the berries. They fly from one tree to the next. Hope your weekend has been wonderful.

  4. Very nice serie, the one where we see the fruit in its beak is my favorite ;)

  5. Hi there - great set of pictures. Our robins are very different to yours - and of course they are both different to the ones from Europe!

    Strange this urge to name things!

    Stewart M - Australia

  6. Great shots of the Robins Mary.How interesting that their migration is taking place just as we have Redwings and Fieldfares from Scandinavia heading through here. The American Robin is obviously a close cousin of our European Blackbirds and Fieldfares.


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