Cherish is my favorite word, and I cherish the ability of turning the routine into a beautiful moment.
Nature creates in me, a spiritual and meditative time to bring peace, harmony and balance, into an otherwise ordinary day~
Mary Howell Cromer

Saturday, January 30, 2010

This one was busy licking up tiny insects and took no notice of me whatsoever~

Pileated Woodpeckers always give me a big smile, for they are fun to observe, as well as reminders of those cartoons from years past.  This one was busy licking up tiny insects and took no notice of me whatsoever.  You can actually view it's tongue in a few of these~


  1. I like the photo of the pileated adjusting its position with its wings on the tree.

    We get them here too at the suet feeder at times. They will hilariously laugh to annouce their postion to its mate as it flys towards our yard.

  2. Hello Mary, and thank you for stopping by. Yes, Woody Woodpecker always comes to mind when he frequents our hillside; I find them hysterical and he pays us no mind.

  3. Hi Mary,
    Cool that he was busy, because then he did not realize you were taking pictures! And what pictures... These are beautiful! This is a big bird! Really amazed about it!


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