Cherish is my favorite word, and I cherish the ability of turning the routine into a beautiful moment.
Nature creates in me, a spiritual and meditative time to bring peace, harmony and balance, into an otherwise ordinary day~
Mary Howell Cromer

Monday, February 22, 2010

All of a sudden, out of it's mouth came a piece of the cracked corn~

We have only had a few European Starlings visit the grove this winter.  One of them had been eating scattered seed and cracked corn and then went to take in a bit of snow.  Afterwards it flew up to a nearby tree branch and seemed to act like something was wrong.  I was taking these images when all of a sudden, out of it's mouth came a piece of the cracked corn and then it looked at me as though to say "there now that feels much better"~


  1. It looks way too cold to be enjoying life. It was 14 below zero here this morning - too cold for this time of the year. We need some warmth.

  2. OMG doesn't it feel the cold? finding food must be so difficult for these birds when it's snowing....

    Nice photography though!!!


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